Sunday, September 1, 2013


Motivation, drawing the attention or attitudes of the person to do something as desired, is of two kinds – extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation is that which is driven by the external hanker: when we work hard to achieve the prize, reward or grade. It has short term effect which doesn’t last for anymore unless backed upon by something intrinsic motivation. On other hand intrinsic motivation is derived for self - satisfaction and pleasure which is long lasting and provides more creativity and leads for self-actualization which is not limited for some tangible achievement. Competition within others is the extrinsic motivation, the motivation that is short-term, in-effectual and frigid.
To begin with, the intrinsic motivations derived from within own self has the long term good effect. The kids could build the motivation till to achieve the goal. As far as I remember when I was in class 3 at my school life, my teacher made the competition for we student to imitate 5 pages of the writing of book with showing the reward of a ‘Dairy Milk’, a very sweet chocolate. At the start up I was so enthusiast in the competition however I gave up very soon. Although I liked to get the reward that was not enough for making fond doing such activity which was annoying for me. At that time I decided that the reward was not worth the torture. Only few of my friends who enjoyed in writing completed the competition. Here, only the fancy of chocolate can’t drive me up to the end. That’s why completion with others on extrinsic motivation has short term effect and that can’t make the positive change in kids.
Furthermore, while competing with others, there forms the reference of level as well as kind of defined subject matters of competition. As a result, there occurs the lack of creativity and self-actualization. The kids have to be forced to do whatever directed in the field in which they may be unaware or uninterested which results the poor yield. Let make a remembrance of the work of Wright brothers, A. Einstein and Newton. The way in which they showed their feat in their interested realm that were chosen themselves made them the best of all, was the result of intrinsic motivation rather than extrinsic motivation. With this in mind, the competition with others results more fruitless achievement.
Moreover, in the competition only one is winner with knocking somebody out. Winning doesn’t build the character; it just lets the child gloat temporarily. While talking about this I remember about the incidence that I myself have experienced, when I was in the age of 12, I have two close friends. Both were very talent. On the occasion of parents’ day, a fete about get together of parents in school, the school organized a sport competition. Both were very close friends till the competition. After the competition one of the friends won the game other one came of worse. The friend who won the game boast his wining that made the other very forlorn. Henceforth, friendship turned into foes and the prospective friendship was nipped in the bud. In order that, competition with others makes the relationship flimsy and often worsen that leads the termination.

Given these point, I conclude that the extrinsic motivation, competition to others, can’t motivate the kids in the advantageous way neither the long-lasting. Such motivation can’t value the potentiality of the individual kids too. The competition makes the relationship of the competitor weak who were nigh of them. Participating in the competition doesn’t result the success, success is the result of the capability and assiduity for which self-motivation or self-competition is important.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Heterosis: Molecular genetic principle

Heterosis is the phenomenon of superiority of character of the offspring than the mid parent value in terms of fertility, yield, speed of development and other QTL character. The concept of heterosis is very used in the genetic study for the crop production and evolution of the plants. Though up to now the molecular genetic basis of the heterosis is undefined, the genetic work on this sector has made somehow successful result and the molecular genetic basis of heterosis is going to be coined soon. There are some classical hypotheses to explain the heterosis as dominance and over dominance.....

Monday, March 18, 2013

Heterosis: A concept that I have received

A debateful concept that does not even now could unroll the mystery of the question what results in the phenotypic superiority of a hybrid over its parents with the certain QTL loci. A concept that has the miraculous phenomenon in the realm of plant breeding but the exact genetic phenomenon up to now is unknown. It is a concept called as heterosis which is hybrid vigor, or outbreeding enhancement, is the improved or increased function of any biological quality in a hybrid offspring. Different research conducted on the subject heterosis has resulted the different unrolling but all have their own results differently. Some scientists concluded that heterosis is due to the effect of over dominance and epistasis some said that it is due to the dominance. Some have also claimed that only one effect do not suffices the phenomenon of the heterosis. There is the need of integration of such genetic tools. Some research evidences showed that both the dominance and over dominance have a role in heterosis with some involvement of epistasis although the relative contribution of each of these mechanisms is still obscure.

Friday, March 15, 2013


नाता तिम्रो मेरो आज मारेर जाँदै छु
प्रेमको यो अनौठो खेल हारेर जाँदै छु।।

सजाइयो सपना  कति बुनियो कल्पना हरु
मनै मनको दरबार आज खारेर जाँदै छु।।

हुर्काएर पनि नाता जोगाउन सकिएन
फुल्ने फुल कोपिलामै झारेर जाँदै छु।।

दोषी तिमी कि म या थियो परिस्थिति
तिम्रै माया तिमीलाईनै सारेर जाँदै छु।।

जबाफ खोज्छ मन यहाँ प्रश्न थरिथरिका
बेजबाफी छु म आफैँलाई टारेर जाँदै छु।।

                                                   - श्रीकृष्ण अधिकारी

Friday, March 8, 2013


खेल हो जिन्दगी सफल हारेर हुँदैन
ज्ञान र धर्मका कुरा यहाँ पारेर हुँदैन।।

भावनाको कदर होइन पैसाको मूल्य ठुलो
यहि छ कटु-सत्य यथार्त टारेर हुँदैन।।

छेपाराको के कुरा  मान्छे फेर्छन रंग अनेक
दया र करुणा को बिउ यहाँ सारेर हुँदैन।।

जे गरेनी जसो गरेनी चल्छ  यहाँ
कपटी र धुर्त्याईंलाई  बार बारेर हुँदैन।।

चाकरी र चाप्लुसी धेरै मौलएपछी
साहास र मेहनत अब खारेर हुँदैन।।

                                            -   श्रीकृष्ण अधिकारी 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

नेपालमा प्रांगारिक कृषिको अवस्था र आवश्यकता

                                                                                                 - श्री कृष्ण अधिकारी
                                                                                                     B.Sc.Ag., 8th Sem
                                                                                                      रामपुर क्याम्पस

नेपाल एउटा भुपरिव्यस्थित देश र एउटा कृषि प्रधान देश जहाँका  वहुसंख्यक जनताको जीविकोपार्जन को मुख्य आधार नै कृषि रहेको छ। राष्ट्रिय अर्थतन्त्रको मेरुदण्डको रुपमा रहेको नेपालको कृषि क्षेत्र को अवस्था निकै कमजोर रहेको छ। नेपालको अर्थतन्त्र र यहाँको कृषि अवस्था को मुल्यांकन गर्ने हो भने एकदमै समानान्तर सम्बन्ध रहेको पाइन्छ। देशमा राजनीतिको स्थिति तरल अवस्थामा हुनु ले पनि देशले अहिले सम्म बिकास को कोल्टो फेर्न सकेको छैन।बिगत १० -१२ वर्ष यता देश बिकासको बाटो हैन बिनाश को बाटोमा धकेलिदै आएको विभिन्न तथ्यांकले पुस्टि गरेको छ। २०११ को तथ्यांक अनुसार नेपाल मा  अझै पनि गरिबीको रेखामुनी ३०.९ प्रतिशत जनता  परेका छन्। राष्ट्रको  कुल गार्हस्थ उत्पादनमा कृषि क्षेत्रको योगदान ३४.९  प्रतिशत रहेको छ। तसर्थ देश को आर्थिक अवस्था मा सुधार ल्याउन नेताहरुले बोल्ने क्रान्ति होइनकि कृषि क्षेत्रमा प्रयोगात्मक क्रान्ति को साच्चिकै आवश्यक छ।
परम्परागत रुपमा खेति 
कृषि बिकास को लागि अब कृषि मा दिगो विकास को अवधारणा अबलम्बन  गर्नु  आबश्यक देखिन्छ। कृषिको दिगो विकास संकल्प बोकेको दिर्घकालिन कृषि योजनाको अवधारणा अनुरुप कृषि लाई जीविकोपार्जनको आधारमा मात्र सिमित नराखी व्यवसाय को रुपमा पनि विकास गर्ने रहेको छ। कृषि लाई यसरी व्यवसायमुखी बनाउन सकिएमा कृषि एउटा सफल उध्योग को रुपमा बिकाश हुने थियो साथसाथै स्वोरोजगार सिर्जना हुनेथियो र युवा को विदेश पलायनमा पनि कमि आउनेथियो।

प्रांगारिक खेतीको अवलंबन 
कृषि विकास लाई दिगो बनाउन का निम्ति  सबैभन्दा बढी महत्वोपुर्ण तत्व मध्यको प्रांगारिक खेति (Organic Farming) पनि एक हो । प्रांगारिक कृषि (Organic Agriculture)भन्नाले प्राकृतिक खेति प्रणालीमा आधारित कृषि उत्पादन पद्दति हो। प्रकृति पद्दति , हावा पानी , खाध्य पदार्थमा आधारित भई बाली बिरुवा तथा जीव-जन्तुको बृद्दि विकास गर्नु र त्येसैमा आधारित भई कृषि जन्य वस्तुको उत्पादन गर्नु नै प्रांगारिक कृषि पद्दति हो। रासायनिक मल, रासायनिक विषादी, बिरुवा वर्द्दक रसायन (Plant Growth Hormone), रासायनिक सामग्री, परिमार्जित अनुबंशीय जात जाति (Genetically Modified Organism-GMO) र पशुपंक्षीको लागि हानिकारक औषधि तथा हर्मोन र दानामा बृद्दी वर्द्दक तत्वहरुको प्रयोग बिना उत्पादन गरिने कृषि प्रणाली  नै प्रांगारिक कृषि हो।  

प्रांगारिक कृषिका फाईदाहरु :
प्रांगारिक कृषि स्थानीय प्रविधि, स्थानीय स्रोत साधनमा आधारित भई दिगो कृषि प्रणाली भएकाले स्थानिय उत्पादकलाई स्थायित्व प्रादान गर्न सहयोग पुग्दछ प्रांगारिक खेति प्रणालीबाट हुने सकारात्मक प्रभावहरु:
  • माटोको भौतिक एवं गुणस्तरमा सुधार 
  • पशुपंक्षीलाई प्रांगारिकयुक्त दाना खुवाउँदा  उत्पादनमा दिगो एवं सुधार 
  • स्वस्थ वर्द्दक कृषि उत्पादन 
  • भू-संरक्षण तथा जलाधार संरक्षणमा सहयोगी 
  • दिर्घकालिन प्रयोगमा उत्पादनमा बृद्दि तथा कम खर्च 
  • जलवायु परिवर्तनलाई कम असर 
  • गाईवस्तु को मलको प्रयोग 
  • सुख्खा एवं खडेरीको अवस्थामा पनि प्रभावकारी हुने 
यसैगरी नेपाल विश्व व्यापार संगठन( WTO)को सदस्य भईसकेको अवस्थामा अ-प्रांगारिक कृषि उत्पादनको प्रतिस्पर्धामा जान नसक्ने अवस्थामा प्रांगारिक कृषि उत्पादन हाम्रो लागि विश्व बजार प्रवेशको लागि  सहज हुने देखिन्छ। 

नेपालमा अझै पनि ६० % कृषि क्षेत्र पूर्ण रुपमा परम्परागत खेति प्रणालीमा आधारित रहेको छ। यसलाई उत्पादन बृद्दिको लागि प्रांगारिक सिद्दान्तमा आधारित भई सामान्य सामान्य  सुधार गरी उत्पादन बृद्दि गरि संचालन गर्न सकेमा हाम्रो कृषि उत्पादनले विश्व व्यापारमा प्रवेश पाउन सक्ने थियो। हाम्रो कृषि विकास मा ढिलो विकास र औजारिकरण मा कमि हुनाले तथा गरिबीको कारण रासायनिक पदार्थको कम उपयोग लाई अब हामी अवसरको रुपमा रुपान्तरण गर्न सक्नु पर्छ यही प्रांगारिक खेति को सहायताले। नेपालको अधिकांश उत्पादन अन्तराष्ट्रिय बजारमा मन पराइयेका छन्। विश्व बजारमा नेपालको अदुआ, चिया, लशुन, आलैंची, मह तथा थुप्रै जडिबुटी को राम्रो
प्रांगारिक घ्युकुमारी खेतिको अवलोकन गर्दै 
भाउ पनि रहेको पाइन्छ।  नेपालमा धेरैजसो खेति प्रांगारिक हुने भएता पनि त्यसको प्रमाणीकरण हुन नसक्दा भने चाहि उचित मूल्य किसानीले  पाउन सकेका छैनन्। हाल सम्म नेपालमा १,६०० हे. जमिनमात्र प्रांगारिक खेति गरेको प्रमाणीकरण भएका छन्। अहिले जनचेतनाका कारण पनि मानिस २ -४ पैसा बढी तिरेर भएपनि प्रांगारिक उत्पादन नै खोज्ने गर्दछन। तसर्थ नेपालमा प्रांगारिक खेति को विस्तार गर्न सके कृषि क्षेत्र मा राम्रो उन्नति हुने मैले देखेको छु। राम्रो बजार र राम्रो मूल्य हुने भएकाले पनि आजभोलि हाम्रा किसान  दाजुभाई हरुमा यो पद्दति बढी लोकप्रिय हुदै गएको छ। 

Monday, February 25, 2013


नयनबाट अश्रुधारा बगे गला भिजिएर।

तिमीले दिएका दुख: पिडा बसे आज मिसिएर।।

शिशिरलाई छेकिदिने  न्यानो माया तिम्रो।

तिर्खै नमेटी बिलिन भो मनै देखि चिसिएर।।

चन्द्रमालाई सजाको थिंए  तिमीलाई दिन्छु भनि।

जाँतो मुनि  धुलो  भई  गयो रहर पिसिएर।।

भिड छोडी एकान्तमा सास फेर्न खोज्दा खेरी।

न्याउली पनि मलाई हेरी गायो  गीत गिजिएर।।

क्यानभासमा झैं रंगाउदै थिए जिन्दगीलाई सजाएर।

बिग्रिई गयो  रंगजति पानाभरी फिजिएर।।

Sunday, February 24, 2013


भो अब तिमी यँहा चोखो माया नलाइदेउ
किनकि चोखो माया पनि झुठो लाग्न थाल्यो।
पुग्यो अब प्रितका नँया गीत नगाइदेउ
गीत पनि अब नमिठो वाणी लाग्न थाल्यो।।

सक्छौ भने आशाले भरिएका हितका कुरा  नगर
निराशाले यँहा  गहिरो जरो  गाडीसक्यो।
मुटु साट्ने साइनो गास्ने अब प्रयास नगर 
किनकि आघात यो मुटु पहिले नै टुक्रिसक्यो।।

                                           -     श्री कृष्ण अधिकारी

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Harvesting Practices of Cotton- Slide Show

Cotton, the 'White gold', is one of the important commercial crops playing a key role in the economic, political and social affairs of the world. Cotton is a soft, fluffy staple fiber that grows in a boll, or protective capsule, around the seeds of cotton plants of the genus Gossypium. The fiber is almost pure cellulose. Under natural condition, the cotton balls will tend to increase the dispersion of the seeds.
There are four commercially-grown species of cotton, all domesticated in antiquity (Greek and Roman time).

How to insert your slideshow through picasa

How to insert your slideshow:

Go to Picasa Web Albums (, and log in with the Google account that owns (or you want to own) the album.

  1. Check that you have already uploaded the album you want from your PC to Picasa-web-albums.
    (and if you haven't, go back to Picasa and upload it now)
  2. Choose an album by clicking on it.
    The album view opens, showing you a thumbnail of all the photos in it on the left of the screen. On the right of the screen, there is a sidebar of useful tools.
  3. Under the Edit drop-down (the one in the album, not the edit menu in the browser), check that Visibility is set to either "Anyone with the Link" or "Public on the web"
  4. Click on "Link to this Album"  (currently it's in a small font, 3/4 of the way down the right-hand sidebar - this may change if Picasa changes its interface)
  5. Click on "Embed Slideshow"  (currently this shows up underneath "Link ... " - and only AFTER you've clicked link...)
    This opens a new dialog box, over the top of your current browser window.

  6. Fill in the details you want
    (slideshow size, whether or not to show captions and to autoplay the slides, etc)
  7. Copy the HTML from the box at the bottom of the left hand-side (the one labelled "Copy and paste ..."
  8. Go to Blogger and log in with a Google account that has rights to edit the the blog - note that this doesn't need to be the same account that owns the Picasa album.
  9. You can put the code that you copied into your blog in the same way you would adding any other 3rd party HTML to it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How to create scrolling text in blog

If you want to add a scrolling text in your blogger than procced the following process:
1. open blog and log in
2. click layout
3.  click on of the "add widget"
4. find the HTML/jave script widget
5. leave title empty
6. paste the given html code in below box

<!-- Scrolling Text generated by ....shree krishna--> <style type="text/css"><br />.html-marquee {height:25px;width:1500px;background-color:CC0000;font-family:Cursive;font-size:14pt;color:FFFFFF;border-width:2;border-style:solid;border-color:660000;}<br /></style>
<marquee class="html-marquee" direction="left" behavior="scroll" scrollamount="8">सम्पूर्ण महानुभावहरुलाई म मेरो यस ब्लग मा हार्दिक स्वागत गर्न चाहान्छु। तपाइलाई मेरो ब्लग हेरिसकेपछि मनमा  लागेका जिज्ञासा तथा केहि सुझाव  भए मन  खोलेर लेख्नुहुन म हार्दिक अनुरोध गर्दछु। </marquee>--&gt;

7. replace the fonts written in nepali language and write as you want
8. save it and view blog

Sunday, February 17, 2013


खेलौना पो भएछ
लोकतन्त्र त।।


घरि घरि न्याउली चरी विरक्तिदै गायो आज।
भरि भरि नयनाभरी  अश्रुधारा धायो आज।।

रोपेको थिँए पिरतीको बिउ ह्रिदयकुञ्जमा।
सरिसरी हृदयभरी सलहले खायो आज।।

चन्द्रमा साँची राखी खाएको तिम्रै सामु।
थरीथरी गगनभरि बादलुले छायो आज।।

विश्वासको प्रतीकमा बज्रप्रहार भएपनि।
मरीमरी लाशभरी जिउने सास पलायो आज।।

बिगतलाई भुलाएर आँखा मैले खोल्दखेरी।
वरिपरि नयनभरि तिम्रै याद आयो आज।।

                            - श्री कृष्ण अधिकारी।

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Flue Curing Of Tobacco

Tobacco is an important cash crop of Nepal. It belongs to family Solanaceae and the genus is Nicotiana , which has 50 species. Out of 50 species Nicotiana tobaccum and Nicotiana rustica are the 2 cultivated species. It is grown for its leaves, which are used as a cured product . It is smoked as pipe, cigar, cigarette or hookah used as snuff or chewed as a various forms. Tobacco generally forms a shallow branched system 60-90cm deep from surface ground. Plant ht ranges from 4-6 feet tall. It has a simple cylindrical stem whereas leaf shape varies from broad ovate to linear or lanceolate. Tobacco is normally a self fertilized crop, but cross fertilization is also present about 4-10%. The seeds of tobacco are extremely small, a single fruit may contain as many as 4000-8000 seeds................
Flue Curing Of Tobacco by Swastika Chauhan